Stellar: 2019年棉兰老岛传统时装设计师大赛

我们的传统可以在现代时尚中焕发活力,这一点在参加第二届Stellar:棉兰老岛传统时尚设计师大赛的8位棉兰老岛设计师身上得到了证明。Stellar于5月25日举行,是Ayala Malls Abreeza和达沃时装设计委员会(DFDC) 2019年达沃时装周(FWD)的旗舰活动。Stellar的参赛设计师展示了充满本土影响的当代胶囊系列,有机会赢得10万比索的启动资金大奖;与贸易工业部合作的为期两年的指导、培训和企业孵化计划;以及由全球知名的Davaoeño艺术家忽必烈米兰特别制作的奖杯。2019年的明星决赛选手Ron Xavier Santos、Toping Zamora、Rogie Vergara, Jr.、Kenny Ladaga、Bonie Adaza、Christon Soto Bautista、Joao Tarepe和Raymond Umpa轮流用他们对棉兰老岛多样化性格的创造性解读给观众留下了深刻的印象。DFDC成员Egay Ayag、Aztec Barba、Dodjie Batu、Edgar Buyan、Emi-Alexander Englis、Bamba Limon、Windell Mira和Benjie Panizales也在t台上展示了他们的作品。2016年明星大奖得主威尔逊·利蒙(Wilson Limon)也登上了舞台,他为卡特里奥娜·格雷(Catriona Gray)等人设计的NIñOFRANCO单品广受好评。决定恒星决赛选手命运的是一个强大的评委小组,由菲律宾贸易和工业设计中心执行主任Rhea Matute组成;Pam Quiñones,时装造型工作室Qurator创始人,名人造型师,前L’officiel Manila主编; Michael Carandang, producer and director known for his work on The Tyra Banks Show, America’s Next Top Model, and It Takes Gutz to Be a Gutierrez; and DFDC president Dodjie Batu. In the end, it was Toping Zamora of Davao City who took home the title of Stellar 2019 Grand Winner. Capturing the fancy of the judges and the audience alike was his capsule collection dubbed “Enlacer,” which looked to the Bagobo Tagabawa signature beadworking style for inspiration and featured handwoven gintlo fabric from a Blaan community in Kiblawan, Davao del Sur.

(内容来源:Abreeza Ayala Mall)(图片来源:Ryam Yap)

